We chair the New Mobility Committee under the auspices of the Polish Alternative Fuels Association (PSPA), whose work is aimed at creating friendly environment for the development of new mobility services in Poland.
The New Mobility Committee is one of the many of PSPA’s sectoral committees, e.g. next to the committee for operators of publicly available charging infrastructure, the committee for zero-emission public transport or the committee for local governments. As a result of the meetings of the New Mobility Committee in 2021, the following definition of new mobility has been established: “transport services enabling movement by the use of shared vehicles available in a structured IT-system, complementing traditional collective transport and implementing the idea of sustainable mobility”.
The main goal of the activities undertaken by the New Mobility Committee is the development of this type of mobility and providing it with appropriate conditions for growth. The first step of the committee on this path has been the preparation of the New Mobility Development Strategy in Poland by 2030 – a document that presents the area of new mobility to market regulators, outlines the benefits of its development and proposes activities disseminating new mobility. Other goals of the committee include, among others: active dialogue in the creation of legal regulations for shared and autonomous mobility, creation of a catalogue of benefits for the use of new mobility, development of infrastructure intended for new mobility services or supporting the process of digital integration of transport services on MaaS (Mobility-as-a-Service) platforms.
The works of the New Mobility Committee are available to the PSPA members and, under the partnership agreement, to our association, which chairs its works.