We present the results of the largest bike sharing systems in Poland from the last 4 seasons (2018-2021). We examined the number of rentals in 24 historically largest bike sharing systems in Poland accounting for over 3/4 of the entire Polish bike sharing market.
In February 2022, we collected official data from Polish cities on the performance of their local bike sharing systems in the years 2018-2021. In which cities have bike sharing schemes gained in popularity and in which not? How did bike sharing deal with two years of the pandemic? We answer these questions in the prepared material.
Taking into account the most recent season 2021, in which over 16,500 shared bikes were available in the analyzed systems, it recorded an 8% increase in demand compared to the first pandemic season 2020. This is a noticeable rebound by nearly 600 thousand rentals and a good projection for the future. However, we cannot ignore the fact that within four years the number of shared bike rentals has dropped by exactly 50%, from 15 million to just 7,5 million, with a simultaneous increase in the supply of the bike sharing stock by 8% (by nearly 1,300 bikes).
Today, bike sharing systems in Poland undoubtedly need to rebuild their position and re-integrate into the urban mobility ecosystem. Also, the questions about the optimal formula of providing residents with bike sharing schemes remains valid, including the scale of the systems, their functionality, the form of user-payment as well as the business model between the city and the operators.
For more detailed data on the performance of particular bike sharing systems in Poland in the years 2018-2021 and their analysis, please see our partner material (available only in Polish) published on the SmartRide.pl micromobility portal: “Bike sharing reinvented“.
The material’s titular partner is Nextbike – our supporting member and the biggest bike sharing system provider in Poland.
If you are interested in the charts presented above with the results of bike sharing systems in Poland, you can download them below: