“New mobility in everyday life” is a subject we teach at postgraduate studies in New Mobility at the Warsaw University of Technology.
Postgraduate studies in New Mobility are conducted in Polish at the Faculty of Automotive and Construction Machinery of the Warsaw University of Technology in cooperation with the Polish Alternative Fuels Association (PSPA). New Mobility studies include 30 subjects, 240 teaching hours and dozens of lecturers, special guests and business practitioners.
The teaching material contains multidisciplinary knowledge necessary for substantive support of enterprises, institutions and public administration bodies implementing or supporting the new mobility sector. The program improves the competences of people employed or looking for employment in the competitive automotive market – they gain the necessary competences and extensive knowledge regarding zero-emission technologies in transport
– we read about the study program on their website.
We encourage you to visit the website of New Mobility studies and familiarize yourself with their program and recruitment rules (available in Polish).