We are preparing a series of publications about the profile of a Polish user of shared mobility. The articles will be published successively. These publications are based on a consumer survey on shared mobility services conducted in 2021 on a representative group of respondents.
Thus, we will have the privilege of presenting to our members and to the market data from the first and currently the only such consumer survey in Poland (qualitative research and quantitative research) on shared mobility services, carried out in 2021 under the auspices of the Warsaw School of Economics and its Department of Innovative City. The author of the survey and analyses is Grzegorz Młynarski, a PhD student at the Department of Innovative City at the Warsaw School of Economics. The project is carried out under the cooperation agreement concluded by us with the Warsaw School of Economics.
The main aim of the survey was to identify and analyse the impact of various components of the shared mobility strategy on consumers’ behaviour and motivations in Polish cities. The survey was conducted on a representative group of respondents and allowed to analyse, how the consumers assess the available shared mobility solutions (and services). Based on the data from the survey, it was possible to establish consumer strategies in the area of passenger transport as well as the types of consumers’ attitudes in the area of ownership and possessing things.
The survey covered, among others, the following aspects: the respondents’ attitude to shared mobility; their preferences, motivations and barriers with regards to particular modes (and services) of shared transport; the attitude to particular shared mobility modalities (shared bike, e-scooter, e-moped and car) and the assessment of using them; preferences of the respondents in the field of urban transport and the usefulness of various transport services; their attitude towards ownership and the way of using other types services; demographic aspects.
The planned series of articles will consist of a general diagnosis and analysis of the user profile of shared mobility in Poland, and of a part focused on particular segments of the shared mobility marketplace incl. particular services (brands), that is: bike sharing, e-scooter sharing, e-moped sharing and car sharing. If your company is seeking an in-depth analysis of the above issues that is tailored to its needs, please do not hesitate in contacting us.