We are the authors of the first in Poland recommendations for the development of the new mobility sector. We created them for the GZM Metropolis. Their aim is to develop new mobility services and to offer them to various stakeholders present in the GZM area.
The GZM Metropolis (in Polish: Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolia) is an area of 2,500 km2 consisting of over 40 municipalities with a total population of 2.3 million inhabitants. It is a polycentric area, which creates specific challenges in providing its inhabitants with the possibility of efficient and convenient daily commute between particular towns and cities of the metropolis.
In September 2018, the GZM Metropolis established the New Mobility Council, in the work of which we participated. The council’s tasks included, among others identifying the potential of GZM to implement solutions in the area of shared mobility, developing standards for entities operating on this market, as well as presenting relevant recommendations in the field of new mobility for municipalities, companies and other stakeholders present in the metropolitan area.
Preparation of the last abovementioned element was our task, and we encourage you to read this document, however, available only in Polish: