We present the first of its kind, 150-page, comprehensive report on the Polish shared mobility market: bike sharing, shared e-micromobility (e-scooters and e-mopeds), car sharing systems and MaaS (Mobility-as-a-Service).
“Poland’s shared mobility industry is at a crucial moment. The market is gaining new players and investment. Both the types of shared vehicles and their supply are increasing quickly. New service models are emerging. Also, the popularity of sharing different means of locomotion is growing, same as the awareness of such way of accessing mobility.
Still, in order to effectively use the advantages of these new forms of transport, laid down must be conditions for their development. And this is a complex task involving, among others, dissemination of knowledge about social benefits resulting from shared mobility, showing that shared means of transport are actually available and bringing benefits to their users, and keeping the central and local regulatory framework up with the innovations disrupting urban mobility.
This is why we’ve created this first publication in Poland, being a source of knowledge about the Polish shared mobility market, a guidebook explaining the essence of this phenomenon and its development forecasts, as well as a reliable showcase of the industry and their innovative actors.
This report is intended for local governments, central authorities, journalists, bloggers, analysts, business, non-governmental organizations and activists, but also – last but not least – all city dwellers interested in the development of new mobility in their cities. We truly hope that we are giving all the readers a useful and inspiring publication – we invite you to read!”
(excerpts from the foreword of the report)
The report’s titular partners were our supporting and honorary members, as well as non-associated partners (below in alphabetical order): blinkee.city, CityBee, Clue PR, DLA Piper, EasyShare, hive, Hop.City, PTV Group, Vooom and Vozilla.
The report’s co-author is Zbigniew Domaszewicz, publisher of the SmartRide.pl micromobility portal.